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  1. Aegleif1


    Lillianna McGavin, born of in the highlands and the only daughter of a farming couple. It was a joyful occasion that her parents and grandparents could take comfort in ,in spite of the rising war that had been rumored through the lands. The Princedom of Fenn declaired war against a year of spider cultists not more than a year after her birth. Not that she would remember any of it. Lillianna was as most children, intelligent and bright, though her focus had been more on what lay beyond the boundaries of her village rather than helping her parents on the farm. Her parents often doted on her , though hard work had been pressed upon her at a very young age. Lillianna accepted that life as she knew it would be limited by her financial situations but for a brief time she held hope and dreams of escaping the clutches of poverty. Travelers that had come to trade with her village had spoken of the Eternal Library reopening in silver state of Haelun’or. It was a tale that her parents had shown little interest in but for Lillianna, it became the very drive she needed. Time moved slowly for Lillianna and soon enough she had grown into a fine young woman. Her parents had by this time passed due to the harshness of life and weather in the Highlands, leaving the farm to her brother. Lilianna didn’t mind though as the dream of seeing that library had been ever present upon her mind and thus she set out on her journey. Little did she expect that life would toss her one trial after another to cross and defeat. To this day she still wanders the lands looking for any work that she may fund her way to see that Library. Knowledge after all was the key to a peaceful life.
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