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    Nissa Pinefoot
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  1. Nissa


    Nissa Pinefoot, so named due to her always returning home with pine needles between her toes, grew up in Brandybrook. Her earliest memory was playing alone in the old tunnels looking for shortcuts or discarded treasures. Her exploring always lead her to the woods however. Her parents despised the idea of living out there, of being out there, “You can’t have a good home cooked meal if your not at a home now, can you?” they’d chide. But Nissa couldn’t stay away. Sure she loved the parties and festivals the townspeople would hold every other week and she loved getting her hands dirty in the soil of her fathers wheat fields, pulling weeds, digging out roots. It was nothing compared to the thrill of being somewhere new. As soon as she was old enough, she began taking jobs that required work in the woods. Hunting deer, boar, and rabbit. Finding rare herbs or tracking lost children. Eventually she joined a small ranger corps, leaving home to live in the wilderness keeping an eye out for incoming orc invasions or bandits that would threaten their home. She was one of the only halflings in that position and she had big shoes to fill... no pun intended. The boots that came with the uniform were 8 sizes too big. She crafted her own leather uniform and gear with things she found while out scouting all the while mastering her skills with the bow and sparring with her partner, Nala. They stayed vigilant for many years, but civilization was expanding quickly and by the tenth year the ranger corps wasn’t needed any longer. Upon returning home, she found that her parents had left years ago, one last trip on the Spicy Shrimp, to settle a newfound island across the ocean with the rest of her family, apparently for more profitable crops and better tobacco. Now Nissa wanders all across Arcas, taking odd jobs that utilize her skills. That started a year ago, and the monotony of meeting new people and all the rules and taxes that come with towns have already started to weigh her down. Maybe it’s time to settle down and actually construct a home somewhere? Somewhere new...
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