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Everything posted by Miocche

  1. Miocche


    Clara’s parents were Heartlanders who lived in Fenn and were upper-middle class. They’ve always wanted her to be the perfect girl, always putting so much effort into making her so. They went to the point where they started feeding her less and less so that she could be thinner. At the age of 16, they wanted to force her to marry a rich merchant so that they could gain more wealth. Clara however, did not have any interest in marrying one or anyone for that matter and had enough with her manipulative parents, so she escaped by running away. For years she spent her days living at different inns and paying for it by working at different taverns across the land. While she was working she found that she kept bumping into a familiar face each time she got a new job. Dworin Kelborne was his name and he was a dwarf. They became good friends and traveled alongside one another from tavern to tavern. Now at 22, she hopes to make a better life that’s more than just cleaning tables and sweeping floors.
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