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Posts posted by awesomeface6967

  1.  Thomas Venice would set the letter down "Man...cant say I knew the guy well, unfortunately. But from what I heard he was motivated and a good leader. Stuck around a long time which...I cant decide is a good or bad thing. Casted whack teleporty magic on me once and I got some of it in my mouth, didnt taste good but you know we laughed about it and stuff. A shame we never got drunk or high together while fishing. May your soul rest in peace."

  2. AfuYKmAixNft1rI5vPSnrCJQGMomTLQDMIPcFSr_

    The Guild Of Agriculture of the Silver State of Haelun'or

    Issued by Thomas Venice


    What is life? Life can mean many things. To thrive in life, one must survive. Survival is essential especially in this day and age. To survive, people need the essential supplementaries to live off of. With Haelun'or at it's peak, but with food supplies short, can we still thrive and live the life we want? We hope to keep you living on and in comfort, thus is our purpose as the Guild of Agriculture. 



    What do we do as a guild?

    As a guild that centers on agriculture and botany, we hope to provide the essentials that you need to enjoy your life. Our farms are said to be one of the very best, and our foods to be like the magic we cast. With tender care we grow and supply the crops of The Silver State, and with dexterous hands we cast our nets and reels so fish may be of ample supply for your enjoyment. We even enjoy the experience of creating new things with the magical plants we source from specific spots around the continent. People may look down upon us because we get in the dirt that causes the skin to pitch that earthly brown, get the saltwater in our eyes that brings tears and rashed skin. But even with the dirt, grime, and saltwater, we are determined to assure one-hundred percent quality guaranteed!


    Interested in Work?

    If you are an individual in need of some work this upcoming harvest season, please apply to the Guild of Agriculture right away! We guarantee many things as a worker including:

    • stable wages
    • a job that can keep you active
    • travel opportunities
    • experience with planting, harvesting, and fishing
    • experience with the harvest and botanical process of magical plants

    And if youre not happy with how we conduct our operations we are open to all suggestions. Apply today! Let us shape Haelun'or, the Silver State, to be a prosperous nation!


    OOC: ty for your time please message franceman79#6067 if you wish to join

  3. Thomas Venice would happen upon the bulletin where this message was posted and think to himself. This could be his chance to finally get in with this community and give back for once. He'd bust out some charcoal and a parchment and write a letter stating:


    "I would like to nominate myself, Thomas Venice, as Tilruir'norsae. I think this would be an excellent means of getting involved and helping out people around the city. I've done some farming jobs, including production of wheat, potatoes, cactuses, and cattle. I am also familiar with agriculture of the sea, which I've noticed we are in dire shortage of fish and I think I can fix that problem. I hope this letter gets received well and you may consider me for the position. Thank you."


    And with that he'd sign the letter and turn it into the admissions residence.

  4. IOHfnNMt1P2j6ZO-DQ0unFB4wQcR7st7bwZJfQ3P

    Simply how to be happy:


    Step 1: stop playing LOTC

    Step 2: do anything else, take a bike ride somewhere or boot up that old videogame you haven't touched in a while


    Hope this helps :D

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