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Everything posted by Blacky

  1. Blacky


    Zaleria Xildan was born into a rich family with her mother father and 2 brothers, but when Zaleria was born it turned out that she was an elf (while the whole family was human) at once her mother requested the doctors to send her away and let no one else see her. Zaleria was put under the care of her long cousin. as she grown up she enjoyed the life of a civilian and everyone in town known her name from her past and of the help she provides for the other people as well as for her cousin. she was 12 years old when she found out that she was born into a rich family and that she was abandoned by her mother becoming in closed and not wanting talk to anyone after she found out. a couple months later when it was Zaleria’s 13th birthday someone started a fire in the village while she was going into the forest to gather some quick food. when she got back into the village she noticed a group of people in black capes running the opposite direction of the village she didn't know what was happening until she heard the fire’s flames and the scream of the cousin. She dropped everything and started running towards the village noticing the gray smoke by the time she got there the smoke has died down and everyone was dead. The only thing Zaleria thought of doing is going into the village and grabbing the left overs that she can use later on to protect herself but before she could do anything else she heard horses galloping towards the village gates. She hid under a big piece of wood that was leaning over the village stone walls. when the men arrived she started planning of how she would escape as she knew that they wouldn't stay for a short time. when they only thing that came up to her head was to run for it she thought no further as one of the men standing next to the horses noticed that she was there. When she started running barefoot along the grass the remembered the basket of mushrooms she left in the forest she knew that if she went to that she would have food ad least for 3 days maybe more. A few years later, now shes 18 living alone in the forest in a small home never to be noticed by anyone harvesting her own food.
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