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Everything posted by NeonPopsicle

  1. NeonPopsicle


    Leander was born on the 12th day of The First Seed, to two parents just like most everyone else, Isolde and Kasen. They grew up as a family within the boarders of Renelia, instantly under the intentions of learning the ways of their Ancestors. Every night at dinner, he was to read parts of books with his father, being told the magical and wondrous stories that his Ancestors held. It took him some time before he would finally strike interest in The Onyx and The Path, along with what it had to offer, but eventually, he found his faith there. In his spare time that wasn't used up in studying, he was to be out in the workshop with his father, welding weapons until his fingers had so many sores that he could barely manage to grip a tool. When his mother was finally able to have her next child, Jude, she was 16 years apart from him. Despite their age gap, his sister and him went out causing all sorts of mischief and troubles as they grew up. They befriended the fellow locals who were around their age in town and proceeded to drag them into the silly phases such as attempted pick-pocketing, lock-picking, partying and other small crimes they committed at this point in time. Unfortunately, one of his childhood friends and him happened to approach the wrong door. A woman who had alcohol on her breath, smelt of sweat and had dark rings around her eyes lacked the patience for any of their bad behavior, Leander’s close friend receiving a blow to the head. Luckily, Leander’s life went fairly smooth as he continued to grow into himself, eventually avoiding the majority of his old yet rebellious ways. Even at his friends’ death, the Dark Elf still didn’t have his lesson learned. Finally, after have experienced the trauma of being caught in the act of crimes with his sister, his old ways did come to a stop. Throughout his lifetime thus far, he has learned how to fight back when needed and continues to keep his Ancestors on his mind when possible. Leander now finds himself in the local taverns, drinking his boredom away, ordering muffins from the bakeries and dressing well as his classy self always happens to do.
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