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    Goro五郎 #6259
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  1. Goro


    Achilles was from the Kingdom of Haens, and he was a Highlander.He was living in Markev He had a terrible childhood.When he was borned he got exposed to a very lound sound by some orcs attacking his village, likely the mans of the town won the battle against them but that loud sound cost Achilles left hearing.From that day everyone called him hearingless.So Achilles hadn’t any siblings nor cusins he had only his parents Maria and Leo, so he felt really lonely cause of his parent working hard so they can provide him a good life.When he was six years-old he met a really good and trusty old man, his name was John.He adviced him on how to be a good hunter, even though he couldn’t hear from his left ear.When he was seven orcs attack the village once more and they killed his familly, they burned his village.He and John was the only survivors only because that time they were training in the near by Czena River.After that they move on with their lives living by their own on a small wooden house in the outskirds.John teached him the basic subjets like maths and history and writing.When he was 18 years old he took him into a real hunt,all of his practice were taking efford, but then in the middle of the hund a orc came to their way, they fought great they beat the orc but when Achilles look back at John he saw him bleeding having a massive whole in his chest.That was the last goodbye, John last words was ‘’find a meaning to your life’’And from now on he is trying to protect the people in needs by other ‘’monsters’’ for a ‘’coin’’.But deeply he know that he wants a family
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