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Everything posted by Vexcee

  1. Vexcee


    Vex’lar Og had a very rough up bringing from his father Ou’lan Og. His mother was killed when he was very young in a fire in there village while it was being raided by bandits. Ou’lan was away hunting and when he arrived back at camp he found only the remnants of the village and sought out his wife and son. What he would find would haunt him... Vex’lar was sitting outside the burned down hut distraught from the horrors he witnessed. While growing up his father was rough with him but sought to teach his only son all about the ways of hunting and fishing. Infact Vex’lar was a very good fisher while he was a young Orc around 15 years old, until one day while Vex’lar and his father were fishing in one of the large lakes near the village they were attacked by a large creature in the water. This attack wounded Vex’lar and killed his father and started Vex’lars fear of the water. Now of days Vex’lar is a wanderer looking for adventure living off the land going from village to village selling different pelts, furs, and meat that he gathers while hunting. Vex’lar still fishes but he does so from the shores and dreads the thought of open water, never knowing what lurks in the deep. Vex’lar also does not yet have a clan in Rexdom and is another one of his quests as he travels. The clan that his parents resided had been long disbanded and old members had scattered through out other clans. Many clans have tried to welcome Vex’lar but his search for the right destined clan has never been quenched yet. Though Vex’lar travels the vast lands he always has a special spot for Rexdom and is proud of where he came from and his roots with the Orcs. Some races despise Orcs and think they are hideous foul beasts but Vex’lar is proud of what he is and where he is going.
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