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  1. Rasmazz


    Grognar was raised in Krugmar. He was raised by his father as a blacksmith and took well to the craft. Many of his friends were goblins, due to the close proximity of the orcs. However due to unforeseen circumstances he was appointed into orc raiding parties at age 17,and began participating in raiding parties around Sutica. He quickly made his way up the ranks as the chieftain’s right hand by surviving many battles through attrition. He had above average intelligence for an orc, something his large opposing figure said otherwise. He raged many successful raiding expeditions as he became older, making himself many enemies in the process, both with other tribes as well as his own. He would later be struck across the face in a raid by one of his own warriors, leaving him for dead while claiming the victory for himself. Grognar recovered from his wounds and traveled back to his tribe. Upon realizing that the backstabber had replaced his position,. He was denied entrance to his tribe as the backstabber had convinced the tribe he had deserted the battle. With only his wits, Grognar set out into new lands where he may stay inquisitive with other people and not trust anyone again. Grognar has always looked down upon wasted opportunity.
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