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    High Elves

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  1. dotbip


    Veldír was raised in Lareh'thilln by his mother, without ever knowing his father. His father's race was in all likelihood probably also high elf, but due to his (relatively speaking) darker skin tone, he was the subject of a certain amount of shunning from the purest of the elves during his upbringing. The elves would not criticize him openly because of his mother's noble status, but his treatment caused him to resent his culture and its pressures. As he aged, he grew distant from his people and began to train himself in swordplay and combat through books and by meeting explorers around Lareh'thilln. At the age of 20, he fled Lareh'thilln to the area surrounding nearby Haense and fell in with local bandits and raiders by disguising himself as a human. After his deception was discovered and he was revealed to be a high elf, he journeyed South to Cloud Temple, hoping to find others like himself and earn a living through whatever work he could find. Through the last 10 years, he has transitioned towards messier kinds of work, namely mercenary and assassin jobs.
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