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Everything posted by Musyr

  1. Musyr


    Cor’caroli’s life began, for the most part, exactly as you’d expect. Caring mother and father, pleasant upbringing- generally speaking all was well and proceeded as such. At age fifteen she was separated from her folks to join up with the military, as per tradition, and from there on was instilled with values of honor and commitment. It was from those virtues, however, that Cor learned of her chief vice; she was a wayward soul, through and through, and settling into the lifestyle of monotony and dedication to the state would be immensely difficult. It was because of this that, a handful of years before she would be sent off to battle on behalf of the Princedom of Fenn, she packed up her things and simply left. This went against more or less everything she had been taught up until this point, and was the source of no small amount of inner-turmoil for the woman -- but she believed had she not done it, she would sooner or later go mad. This lead her to living the life of a vagabond mercenary, employing what her time in training had taught her to secure a lifestyle as a personal guard. It didn’t pay particularly well, but it didn’t often see actual combat either; that was a secondary boon though, because the main thing- the thing she sought above money and power- was the chance to see more of the world, and sate her never-ending wanderlust.
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