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Everything posted by mengubbe

  1. Where can I find a working NPD invite link?
  2. mengubbe


    Erard was born in a farm close to Helena as the first and only born child in the peasant family Swifmeister. He never got to see his father because his father was sent to war a few months before his birth. As a result, Erard soon gained proficiency in many peasantry duties such as milking cows and hoeing wheat at a young age due to him being the only other able-bodied person in the household who could take care of the many responsibilities that come with life as a peasant. The little free time he got he spent playing with Sarra Smolrey, a girl his age from the neighboring farm. Whenever they met, Errard liked to tell Sarra stories that he made up while doing his menial daily chores, but they would also be up to other rapscallian dooliedallies like playing tag and stealing apples from Mr. Nilsson, the sour old man down the road. When Erard was 15, his mother met a new man who later came to be her new husband. This new stepfather of Erard’s, who was called Philas Reeve, was a big inspiration to Erard as Philas had been a traveller for the latest 10 years of his life and had many stories to tell. He also taught Erard how to play the guitar. When Erard turned eighteen, inspired by his stepfather’s stories and the stories that he himself had come up with, he decided to set out on the road and be an adventurer himself. And that’s where our story begins.
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