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Everything posted by DukeRapture

  1. DukeRapture


    I was born to the modest family of Hrudis in the Kingdom of Kaedrin. My mother died giving birth to me due to severe bleeding. I am an only child and my father (Migul Hrudis) was a renown mercenary, who I assume I got my mischievous behavior from. In 1734 my father signed a contract to fight in the war against the Federation of Mokh-Urak. In his times before the war he took me to the Forrest Realm of Irrinor at the age of 3 in order to keep me safe. After that day, I never saw him again. In my time at the Forrest Realm I spent most of my childhood playing sports and getting into fights with the neighborhood kids. This series of bad behavior nearly got me banished. It wasn’t until I met Neldor Fenmaris, one of the Forrest’s elders, when I started to shape up. He took me under his wing and mentored me. He taught me how to control my pent up anger and use it for good. I started to exercise more and developed an interest for axe throwing. Due to my familiarity with an axe, I became a local lumberjack to make a living. Thanks to my size and strength over the elves, I was able to supply far more wood to carpenters than the lumberjack elves. This helped me become a familiar face around the community, which made it even harder to leave. Although the Forrest and Wood Elves had taught me so much, living in the Forrest Realm was not where I was meant to spend my entire life. I needed to find my heritage and live out the life my father would be proud of. So, at the strong age of 21 I decided to leave the Forrest Realm for the Kingdom of Curonia. Now that I am here, it is time to start my new journey and discovery my true destiny.
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