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Everything posted by oriaxcx

  1. oriaxcx


    Birthed in the late Spring Season, Rose was born with an older twin in VES. Both of her parents were present. Her Father – a gardener, and Mother who took care of the children. Income wasn’t too problematic, but they’d still be unable to afford proper education for the girls. Rose was quite an intellectual, but the more emotional sister. Their family tree isn’t the largest, and because of that, all the adults were rather overprotective (That being her parents, grandparents and only uncle) so the girls hadn’t experienced any misfortunes. Even when she was just a girl, she had grown fond of flowers, plants and so forth as she watched her father work years after years, which still to this day is something she has grown to find comforting. And because of this fascination, the majority of her days were spent playing outdoors with her sister: despite being told not to linger for too long. 'Trust no-one', 'A lady musn't be alone outside' were phrases she'd be told. Regardless of being told not to, they'd sneak out at late-night to play with the other children in their neighbourhood. However, one night, Rose began to hear shrieks and wails nearby which caused them to flee and investigate the havoc. A sight that would forever engrave her mind was flames and horror of the once peaceful village became a mass murder scene. Rose's older sister ushered her to shut up but once witnessing her Father fighting off an outsider with a garden fork, it drove her to run. Until her uncle and a man she recognised as the disfigured next-door-neighbour everyone feared because of his ugly face, came charging towards the twins. Both were wounded from battle especially the uncle, to the point where collapses and says to 'Take them and leave'. The trio escaped on horseback, as Rose sulked and turned her back a few times wishing to see her mother one final time. They rode to NEW REZA and currently still lives there.
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