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Posts posted by Jade_Emen

  1. 23 minutes ago, Cheesewheel_1 said:

    Rufus Knowise, comes stumbling along the road, looking a bit anxious if you will. He walks past the Gardener burrow, seeing the note. He takes time to read it, sighing in absolute relief. A good portion of his anxiety diminishes to nothing, as he makes his way to the tavern. He enters the building, going down the stairs and entering the bar. He grabs out a large bottle of some Goodbarrel "Wine O' Knox" and takes it to the corner in which he usually sits. He pops open the cap and starts drinking the bottle, finishing it off quickly. He then decides to fall asleep, right there and then.

    haha he's finally safe to be a drunken bastard in peace

  2. [!] There is a note pinned to the door of the Gardner burrow!


    "Dear friends, family, and nosy neighbors,


    My husband and I have decided we are in desperate need of a holiday. Tensions are high and I feel the constant eyes of those around me, and I feel I can no longer be comfortable in my own burrow! So, we've decided we need to get away for a while, as we never really had time to spend after our wedding! Fear not, if we are needed we are only a bird away! We plan to travel a bit before staying in one of the Wardens cottages he owns, so our location will be a bit of a secret.


    To my daughters, I leave the burrow in your care. Jol, you have your apartment, but feel free to pop into the burrow whenever you like! Anne and Winter, the burrow is yours to do with as you please. If you have any questions, please feel free to bird me. There might be a key I've forgotten about here or there. Also, please look after Clover. They seem particularly entranced with nature, and will need a guide.


    Clover, listen to your sisters. You might not understand everything at once, but take your time.


    And to my neighbors. If I hear you're giving my girls any grief, I'll be sure to come back! And I wont be happy about it!


    Thank you everyone for understanding! Again, if you have need of us we're only a bird away!


    Yours, Isalie Gardner and The Warden!"


    (This is basically to say that The Warden and Isalie have been shelved!

    I am willing to bring Isalie off the shelf if theres an emergency, but I find I need something new to focus on!)

  3. Looking to play a Sorvian? You're in luck, my character has started making them! Dm me if you're interested and we can talk it over! You will be given a base skin that can of course be changed, as well as all the info you would have been taught. And you'll be introduced to the rest of the Sorvian community!


    Disclaimer: My characters name is Isalie Gardner, and shes a halfling. So, you'll be involved in a lot of halfling rp. And you will need to make a CA.


    Discord - Jadeemen#3529


    Sorvian Lore- 




  4. Honestly, I didnt start out with an accent. Didnt start using one for a while, it sort of naturely integrated into my rp. Everyone has their own style and theres no right or wrong way to do it! You dont even have to have an accent at all, you could come from a colony of halflings that dont use accents. Who knows! Its up to you, and if anyone says anything to you, let us know. We'll get the shovels! 

  5. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Isalie Gardner


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Sorvian Sculpting


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the feat? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:



  6. Isalie Gardner approaches the polling station, picking up the crate thats positively overflowing with voting slips. This election had been a whirlwind of emotions and events, and now it was time to watch the  chips fall. She takes the apple box, the same apple box used in the previous election, to her burrow. With the help of Mayor Iris Peregrin and Sheriff Meemaw, they count the votes. The Thain cant help the sigh of relief. The results had been overwhelming, and there was no question in who the people wanted.

    Together, the trio of halfling leaders write up the results and take the announcement to be pinned to the noticeboard


    [!] On the Bramblebury noticeboard is a document signed by the current halfling leadership


    "Good people of Bramblebury! Gentle Wee-folk, halflings, friends and family!

    It is with both a joyful heart and that of a mournful one that we declare your Elders!


    Your Elders are to be Burt Hassenfort, Onelia Peregrin, and Kerraline Goodbarrel!


    Isalie Gardner and Iris Peregrin will be stepping down from their leadership roles,

    and spending more time with their families.


    Long live the Wee!"

  7. Bramblebury Elder Elections, 1806


    The time has come for the halflings to cast their votes for our three Elders!
    Please follow the instructions below:



    Burt Hassenfort
    Onelia Peregrin
    Kerraline Goodbarrel
    Cyris Collingwood

    [!] A polling station can be found at the entrance to the Drunken Pumpkin


    The Ballot:
    ((MC Name: ))

    Vote for Elder:

    Burt Hassenfort ()
    Onelia Peregrin ()
    Kerraline Goodbarrel ()
    Cyris Collingwood ()



    Rules of the Election:

    You may cast no more than three votes for Elder
    If you try to take ballots out of the box, your vote will be discounted 
    ((No editing your post or metagaming the election progress))
    ((No voting as multiple personas)
    If you are under the age of thirty-three, you may not vote
    If you are a biggun, you may not vote
    If you are banished, you may not vote
    If you don't have a home in Bramblebury, you may not vote


    Voting will close in 2 pumpkin days
    ((You have 48 hours to reply to this post))


    May the best halfling win!

  8. [!] A letter has been tacked onto the noticeboard, signed by the Thain


    "My people,


    I have served you for a very long time. By my count, I have been your Thain longer than I haven't been. When Micah O'Connell wrote me into his will many years ago, I was honored to even be mentioned. At the time I was the Sheriff, and before that I was Deputy to Anne Sunbrook. For the first couple of days I was in shock. I was to be Thain, and I had to shoulder this burden with a stranger and a child. The stranger would grow to be my friend, and the child to be my daughter. Still, I had never led anything. I didn't feel worthy of such a task, and I felt all eyes on me. 


    I have been accused of being many things. A tyrant. A witch. A fake. And a few other words not fit to be mentioned. Maybe I deserve these accusations. I did not lead to be remembered. I did not stand in front of my people as a shield to be memorialized. I do not crave power or glory or control. I have remained in my position as Thain for so long, only because I feared that my stepping down would be the end of us. Maybe that is my pride talking. I was afraid that there would be no one else to take control that would do the people justice.


    Now, we shall see if I was right or wrong. At my meeting, I had a plan. I thought it was a good plan, a plan that would stabilize our would-be government once and for all. Before I even had a chance to implement it, to see if it would work, I was halted in my tracks. No one was happy with my plan, and the louder voice has won. That voice is the voice of the people. You, dear reader, are that louder voice. I admit, my pride took a blow today. My feelings are hurt, and I am upset. However, that doesn't matter. How I feel doesn't matter. What matters is that we survive, and that we thrive. If the plan that the people have chosen leads up to a brighter future, then my pride can take the hit. My pride will heal.


    Soon, I will be stepping down as Thain. I don't want to, I admit. I thought I had for so long, but once Thainship was taken away, I realized something. I am a Thain. I am a leader of my people, not because I was born to be one, but because that is the role I grew into. And soon, I will grow into a new role. My identity was being the Thain, and now I am no longer that. Have no fear, I will find a new one. I will find a new identity, and I will use that to serve you again.


    Take heart, dear reader. Change is upon us, and it will hurt. It will be uncomfortable at times, and we might find ourselves yearning for the past. But the past is behind us, and we can only move forward. Moving forward, I will not be the Thain. I will be Isalie Gardner, and I promise I will always be there with my shovel in hand. Whether you need someone to shovel the snow from your lawn or beat back the squirrels from your garden, I will be there. 


    This might be the last time I use the Thain's Seal. I do not know what we will do with it, but I will treasure this moment. And we will treasure many more in the future to come.


    -Your Thain, Isalie Gardner."

  9. [!] Throughout Bramblebury and beyond, invitations are sent to friends, family, and well wishers!  These invitations read:


    "The Thain of Bramblebury and The Warden

    invite you to join them for their wedding!


    There will be good food and wine and 

    plenty of merriment!


    Join us on the The Grand Harvest!

    The ceremony will begin at midday at the theater!"


    (OOC: Saturday at 12 PM EST/5 PM GMT)







    "To be different is to be alive."

  10. Isalies jaw drops as she looks at the notice. "Tha' lyin' lil prick!" She grabs the Thains Shovel "Ah'll stick thus so far up his arse...." She dissolves into ramblings as she paces like a caged animal. After calming down, she sighs "Why ded yeh loie ta us boy? Ah t'ought...." She sighs "Ah t'ought yeh wus our frien'." Frowns, before nodding. It was time to get some answers. 

  11. Isalie Gardner, after watching her people debate and speak and go back and forth, walks up to the polling station. Each halfling had cast their ballot, all of them collected in an apple box. After the last ballot was dropped in, Isalie grabbed the box and scurried off to her burrow. There, she counted out all of the votes. And recounted them. After tossing out Monkeys vote with a chuckle, she was left with a dilemma. The wee folk were truly divided. It was a tie. Now, with accordance with their new Constitution, it was all down to her. She mulled over this decision over a glass of Gretas wine with her family. She had finally be able to gather all of the remaining Gardners to have a meal. Here, with her children and her love, there was no political tension. There was family. She smiled, and she knew her decision. Now, to tell her people.


    On a crisp First Seeds day, Isalie walks back to the square. No one was gathered - she had brought the apple box to stand on to declare the victors. So, she decided to just post it on the noticeboard! 


    [!] On the Bramblebury noticeboard, there is a declaration from the Thain! 


    "People of Bramblebury! Gentle wee-folk! Friends and family! 

    It is with great joy that I announce your Mayor and Sheriff!


    Your Mayor, obviously is Iris Peregrin!

    Your Sheriff, is Meemaw Applebottom! 


    Rejoice! Knox bless us, everyone!


    -Your Thain, Isalie Gardner"



  12. [!] A notice has been posted on the Brambleburys noticeboard! The first of its kind! How pretty~!

    Bramblebury Job Census



    Your fearless Leader the Thain! They represent all of halflingdom and lead their people. They are chosen by the previous Thain or if something tragic happens, by the people!


    -Thain Isalie Gardner (Jade_Emen, Jadeemen#3529)




    Your Mayor leads the halfling government! What a silly thing! They represent the good of the halfling people, and are responsible for this and that within the village. They are elected by the people, for the people!


    -Iris Peregrin (TakeMeT0TheFae, TakeMeToTheFae#3833)




    Your Sheriff enforces those finnicky laws we all follow. Where would we be without order? The Sheriff makes sure no miscreants go unpunished and that everyone is safe and happy! They are elected through a series of competitions! Just kidding, they are elected like the Mayor!


    -Meemaw Applebottom (nerdy#8906)




    I hope you like critters! Folk with this job are in charge of caring for and protecting all of Brambleburys livestock! You are in charge of feeding these hungry fellers, caring for them when they're sick, and tracking them down should they wander off! Also bonking any wolves or youngin's that try to mess with them!


    -Filibert Applefoot (jumperhand3, NotEvilAtAll#2321)




    The lifeblood of halfling society! Well, besides partying and such. Farmers tend to the fields and keep up with all of our crops. They harvest whatever isnt being used by others and make sure to keep a healthy stockpile for winter!


    -Bassett Mowood (OddOllie123, Ollie#8553)




    We have an inn! For some reason, people want to stay in our beautiful village! Who could blame them? As an Innkeeper, you are responsible for taking care of the rooms, and making sure no one sleeps on the streets! Even though they are very nice streets to sleep on. But why sleep in the road when you could sleep in a bed? Keep the rooms warm and clean, and make sure no one is taking up space when they're not even there!


    -Filibert Applefoot (jumperhand3, NotEvilAtAll#2321)




    Keep the party going! Thats your motto! You serve drinks and tend to the tavern and her patrons! Food, booze, good music and good company, thats all you desire once you're on the clock! Whats a clock?


    -Filibert Applefoot (jumperhand3, NotEvilAtAll#2321)




    Ah, a place all scholars can meet and read in peace. When you work here, you keep up with the histories and literature of Bramblebury. One would say this is the most important job! They would of course be a bookworm.


    -Greta Goodbarrel (Johnnythewizard)

    -Callum Fiddleberry (TAZ0MB0, tazombo#0886)

    -Acron Flint (PuppyRuf5, Jurassic Raptor#7342)




    FINALLY, someone to teach these illiterate small folk how to READ! And maybe teach them some other things about the world! If you can read this, you had a teacher! 


    -Greta Goodbarrel (Johnnythewizard)

    -Demeter Pebblebrook (Little__Lady, Little__Lady#0556)

    -Wilburt Woodstock (Hobbits, Hobbits#9172)

    -Callum Fiddleberry (TAZ0MB0, tazombo#0886)




    Have a knack for treating fevers and stab wounds? Then working in the boo-boo clinic is the place for you! Working in the clinic, make sure you have no aversion to blood or bile. Parties with bigguns can get kind of rowdy y'see


    -Demeter Pebblebrook (Little__Lady, Little__Lady#0556)

    -Isalie Gardner (Jade_Emen, Jadeemen#3529)




    Oh to be one with nature! Oh, to be a killer of nature! Oh to be a crafter of nature! If you enjoy the outdoors and chopping down trees, working with wood is for you! Theres not much to say about these manipulators of lumber, they connect with wood in a way we might never understand!


    -Wilburt Woodstock (Hobbits, Hobbits#9172)

    -Theodore Mowood (TAMEFX, TAMEFX#1905)

    -Rufus Knowise (Cheesewheel_1, Four-Footed Floof Noodle#8249)




    It would make sense that us wielders of shovels and hoes would need a supplier. Being a blacksmith means you manipulate metals of all sorts to make tools for your fellow wee folk! 


    -James Ashfoot Peregrin (JackClockington, Clocky The Cat#8001)

    -Rufus Knowise (Cheesewheel_1, Four-Footed Floof Noodle#8249)

    -Fjord (NicktheRed20, NicktheRed20#4487)




    A Jack of all Trades; thats what you must be! You invent and inspire as you create things no halfling has ever dreamt of! The wheel! Fire! A pumpkin canon! You are responsible for our mightiest of inventions, and we salute you for this!


    -Iris Peregrin (TakeMeT0TheFae, TakeMeToTheFae#3833)

    -Rufus Knowise (Cheesewheel_1, Four-Footed Floof Noodle#8249)




    Other Occupations!


    Did I miss your career? It must have not been that important! Either way, let me know and it shall be documented! 





    Out of Character



    In Character

    Full Name:



    Job / Occupation:


  13. Bramblebury Mayoral and Sheriff Elections, 1797


    The time has come for the halflings to cast their votes for our Mayor and Sheriff!

    Please follow the instructions below:



    Iris Peregrin



    Theodore Mowood

    Alfie Greenholm

    Meemaw Applebottom


    [!] A polling station can be found at the entrance to the Drunken Pumpkin



    The Ballot:

    ((MC Name: ))




    Vote Iris Peregrin for Mayor?

    Yea () Nay ()


    Vote for Sheriff:

    Theodore Mowood ()

    Alfie Greenholm ()

    Meemaw Applebottom ()


    Rules of the Election:


    You may vote only once for each position

    If you try to take ballots out of the box, your vote will be discounted ((No editing your post or metagaming the election progress))

    ((No voting as multiple personas)

    If you are under the age of thirty-three, you may not vote

    If you are a biggun, you may not vote

    If you are banished, you may not vote

    If you live outside the village of Bramblebury, you may not vote


    Voting will close in 2 pumpkin days

    ((You have 48 hours to reply to this post))


    May the best halfling win!




  14. If anyone were to enter the Thains cabin, they would notice that the living area has turned into more of an office than a sitting area. There are books and papers and quite a few tea cups strew about. Isalie seems to be preparing for something! But what? If one were to ask the Thain what she were doing, she would give them a smile and explain she was just preparing. Though she was smiling, it was clear to see the sorrow in her eyes. She seems to be preparing for the worst.


    Emerging from the cabin after a few days, the Thain wanders over to Bloomerville and tacks a few posters up! They would read as follows:


    Fellow Halflings!

    In this time of crisis, I have had a lot of time to think.

    And I realized I'm not very good at planning.

    So, I wanted to invite the halflings of this continent to a meeting to discuss the future.


    Elves have forecast that this continent does not have much time left. 

    While I wish to be optimistic, I also wish to be realistic.

    I am growing old. I do not plan to leave you anytime soon, but should I perish, I want to make sure you're all prepared.


    Meet with me in an Elven on the Snow's Maiden to discuss the future.


    We will discuss:


    Our place in the new world


    Government nonsense

    And any other concerns necessary!


    I will be leading this discussion, but anyone is free to speak their minds. Should you wish to speak, simply raise your hand and wait for my signal!


    (OOC: Wednesday 11/10/20 at 6:30)

  15. [!] Fliers have been placed in the cabins of the halflings reading:


    Assassins have been dispatched after Halfling Leadership.

    We have reason to believe that an organization of Nine have gathered to destroy halfling civilization as we know it.


    Here is what we know:

    Assassins have attacked Andon Cloudberry, Anne Gardner, and Kat-Kit Applefoot.

    The assailant had a hitlist; a list of names that they the organization wished to wipe out.

    Crossed out were Polo Gardner and Kit-Kat Gardner.


    They will stop at nothing to kill us. 

    We dont know why they’re doing this or who they are.

    All we know is that no one is safe.


    To combat this, we are taking precautions:

    No one is to leave Fort Hope alone.

    No one is to be outdoors alone.



    We your leaders are working to find these assassins and put an end to their reign of terror.

    We are also discussing leaving Fort Hope, as there is no real protection against individual assailants.


    Halflings, do not be alarmed. We WILL survive this. If you see anyone suspicious, talk to an Elder or myself.



    -Thain Isalie Gardner



    [!] Isalie stands at the helm of the ship. She looks out to the wee folk milling about. The Thain has a few words for her people.


    “My people, I have made a decision. We will sail to Fort Hope in a month where they have promised us safety. I know its not home. I promise it is temporary, but it will be a better place to stay than the Spicy Shrimp. While I love this ship, I know not every halfling is cut out to live at sea. I will not force you to. Those that want to remain on the the ship can, but those that want solid ground may follow me into the fort. Be prepared, gentle halflings. I don’t know what the future holds for us, but I do know we will face it together. We will find a home again. That I can promise.”


    -Isalie Gardner, Thain of Brandybrook


    [OOC: Tomorrow, 10/14/20, 2:00 PM EST we’re gonna go to Fort Hope. The ship will be moved there, its gonna be a whole event.]

  17. Tears in her eyes, Isalie mans her husbands ship, steering them away from the blaze. She doesnt have time for tears. After her god has doomed their home, she has to be strong for her people. But her husband has just abandoned her. Her home is gone. All she has left is her daughter, and she seems to be drifting away as well. A halfling can only be strong for so long, but she cannot break. Shes more than just a halfling; She beens more since she was burned alive. She has a destiny, though she’s unsure of it. She has to save her people. She must save her people, even if she has to do it alone. Isalie always seems to end up alone.

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