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Everything posted by ADrunkenHermit

  1. ADrunkenHermit


    Raised in a Rather large family, as the oldest, it was his job to keep his younger siblings in check. He always considered His father a Great man, and his mother was the best mother he could possibly ask for. For the most part, his family was a happy one. Leading a Normal Life, Nothing more exciting than the Occasional brawl, Or a Mysterious stranger harboring New and Epic tales of Triumph and woe. Though, One day, tragedy struck a harsh blow, His mother going missing after a cave-in during a mining trip. For Days, Fafnir’s father would walk around the mines, calling out his Mother’s name, each wail more sorrowful than the last. Afterwards, his father was distant, and cold. barely around. Even when he was in the same room, he wouldn’t dare to look at his children, And it was only a matter of time before Fafnir took up the mantle of Man of the house. years went by, and he secured Various jobs, ranging from washing dishes to cleaning armor. He finally settled on a Working position within The Ruined Runesmith. The Tavern reminded him of his Early childhood home, Laughter bouncing off the walls, and Old mining Hymns being bellowed from the various tables. Though considered Mundane by many, he couldn’t be happier.
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