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Everything posted by TCR_Chuck

  1. TCR_Chuck


    Chuck was a normal boy who was raised within a poor home with not very good conditions. His parents would always fight in violent ways verbally and physically but one day he had a mental outburst. He had completely destroyed the trust between himself and his family resulting in himself getting kicked out of his home. Chuck would be forced to survive on his own. 3 days after returning from the woods would return to his home on the land of Helena but would learn his parents were killed in a brutal house fire due to the house similar to his parents had poor support and fell to pieces crushing them into ashes. Chuck felt bad for not being there to save his parents so he would return to the woods. Chuck would dealt with his emotions by going into the wild surviving off literally almost anything in the wild that looked edible such as plants and even animals he would sometimes have to kill on sight. 2 years in the wild Chuck would end up losing any sense of capable thinking after becoming nothing more than a giant violent animal. Chuck still has the feelings that of a person but is usually in fueled rage so its hard to tell when this hot head is on sight so it wouldn’t be safe to be near him. If you hurt someone that is close to him prepare for a world of hurt since this will make Chuck have a power fueled rage usually not ending well for the people who hurt his friends with the little he has. Chuck would eventually return to society for a short period of time since he fell in love with a maiden that would later refer to him as nothing more than a “filthy wild animal” sending him back into the wild into a deep depression. Chuck may know how to speak much better with more vocabulary, but still has childish rage when remembering the hardships of his life. If Chuck’s parents had never fought with each other he would have never become the animal brute he has become. He would for ever for the rest of his life be called a beast or mindless brute. He lives his life out as an adult now no different to how he as been living.
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