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About ouch_kun

  • Birthday February 11

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    Vince Vlademõnt
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  1. ouch_kun


    Samson’s mother was a wood elf who died a maternal death, leading him to grow up with his human father in Haense. He grew up spending most of his life in the woodland, taught how to hunt and live of the land from his father in a traditional Highlander life-style. This was near the end of the 1710’s. From his elvish genes he grew slightly slower than most, becoming introverted from other children which would in turn would take part in his eagerness to be alone. This would in turn lead him to become obsessed with learning about the outside world, writing and reading his experiences as a boy. His father didn’t accept his behaviour and would often berate him. John IIV peaceful reign had come into fruition as he was crowned king, leading Samson’s childhood to lack nearby terror giving him a more easy-going nature. In teenager years he truely realised that he didn’t belong in his own homeland, often vanishing for long periods and coming home sometimes days later to talk. This would also lead to most of his smaller scars, the thrill of adventure and fear of home keeping him outside to explore. Looking younger than usual at 21 from the elfish gene’s, he leaves home to finally see what’s outside of his hometown. This is the basis of his life, traveling and aiding others along the way as well as being sure to write down anything he’s learnt for possible future reference. As of now he currently works on writing a group of books about his experiences to help future generations. He rarely enters the castle from ‘The Trouble’s’ taking place (other than to restock his inventory), preferring to keep out of any drama. This has to do with his fence-sitting nature he developed from growing up during John IIV’s time.
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