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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Akane` Blackburn
  • Character Race
    High Elf

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  1. Shadonk


    Akane` was born in the city Petrus, located in Renelia. She grew up in a home of two younger siblings, her younger brother Miya and her younger sister Miho. Her parents were very strict when it came to Akane`, due to the fact that she was the eldest of out of her siblings. Akane’s parents wanted her to marry a man of their choice when she was of age, to have a child of the gender they chose. Her parents had her entire future planned exactly how they wanted, but Akane` didn't want to live the life they chose for her. As Akane` grew older over the years she began training secretly with many types of weapons, behind her parents back of course. Akane` began to grow a strong hatred for her family and the city she grew up in. When Akane` become of age to marry, her parents gave her the traditional mark of the Blackburn family, Two lines crossing each other forming an ‘X’ alone with two roses intertwined with the lines that crossed. This mark was placed in her upper right arm. A few days after her birthday she packed her things, and left in the middle of the night as her family slept. Akane` made her way through the city she grew to despise. Years passed as she made her way through each town she came across, never staying permanently, never becoming attached to anyone she met through those years. Her father had people searching for Akane` from the day she left, no one being successful in finding her and bringing her ‘home’. One night in The Silver State of Haelun’or a man in a hood that was sent from her father found her. Of course Akane` refused to go with him without a fight, as time passed and the fight went on she finally beat the man, killing him without a second thought in her mind. Due to the fight she had gotten a long scar going down her right eye, just above her brow going to the apple of her cheek. Akane` then decided to dress in more dark clothing, being hidden more in the shadowy depths of this city to the next.
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