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Everything posted by Tessia

  1. Tessia


    Tessia was born into a lower class family, her mother died giving birth and the father blamed her for it. As she grew up she began wondering into the forest where she would play and hunt small animals while also avoiding her father. At the age of 14 she ventured to far into the forest and was ambushed by a group of humans who abducted her. she was sold into a slave trade organization where she was treated as a personal slave servant to the man in charge of the organization. she was physically beaten among other things on a daily basis until the age of 26. She escaped through a window in the afternoon when the master was out and she was too be cleaning. She was attacked by an Amber wolf in the nearby forest when an adventure stumbled upon her and helped her to safety. From there she bored a boat in the Kingdom of Nordengrad and sailed to Sutica in Arcas to get as far from the slave trader as possible. She began to feel as though she did not what this to happen to anyone else. So using the skills she learned in the forest when she was younger, she would climb buildings and watch the soldiers train in the courtyard hoping that one day she would be strong enough to protect others.
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