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Everything posted by Sock_Und_Pants

  1. Sock_Und_Pants


    Quanique "Daquan" Daquandrius was born in the Korvassa desert to a hardy Farfolk family, known by the locals of their small nomadic tribe for their expertness in crafting fine alcohol with minimal ingredients. Quanique soon took up this trade as he grew older, creating his first beer when he was but 10 years old. Though, all work and no play makes rebellious children, and rebellious Quanique was. While away from the watchful visage of his parents, he fought amongst the other tribal boys in mock wars, competed with other wandering nomads for coins and food, and hunted whenever he found the chance. Soon, he grew to be astronomical in size, towering over his peers. The self-inflicted lifestyle of adventure and danger turned Quanique into but a beer-craftsman, into a god amongst men. So it came as no surprise that as soon as his father died, he carried out on his own, giving the inheritance over to his now sickly mother. He spent his late teens fighting beasts out in the desert, swooning ladies that came his way, and generally acquiring more battle-scars. One, he wrestled a hog that tore a gash in his arm. Another, a snake bit out his eye. Though he persisted. If you asked him why he did it all, he’d laugh quietly and shrug. He didn’t know why, really. He just enjoyed the adrenaline through his veins and the prestige he acquired. But Korvassa soon lost its luster, and so by the age of 28 the mass of muscle ventured out, into new lands, where kings and politics ruled, to hopefully find more dangerous foes and make more outlandish tales to tell in his drunken rants.
  2. Sock_Und_Pants


    Socksundpants “Pants” Jordan was born to a single mother in a haystack and still does not know his father. His mom died of dysentery when he was 8, leaving him to learn everything he knows about the world by himself. He never has had many friends only people who tolerate him. He is what many would call stupid but he just struggles to communicate properly through a filter of mental disease and alcohol poisoning. Of course, since these are medieval times, he’d not medicated in any way. This makes him extremely unpredictable and a harbinger of chaos or just belittling laughter. He desperately tries to spit game or jest, looking for a love to vanquish him from his delusional hell, often to no avail.
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