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Everything posted by berrybunni

  1. berrybunni


    A little Elven urchin lay in the cold Sutican streets, screaming out for a mother she would never see. Instead, an elderly form stumbled upon her freezing form. Baba. Her kindess proved great as she carried the babe into her little hovel, just beside her place of abandonment. With no letter or instruction attached, the woman took thought towards her next decision-- bestowing her the name of Ieren. After an Elven tea she much enjoyed when luxury allowed it. Look past five years, and a spritely little figure occupied the woman’s home. She’d grown from gurgling toddler to quite the rambunctious child, and that’s how it would stay for a while. The typical thieving orphan backstory ensued, as she attempted to repay Baba for the sacrifices she came to understand. It didn’t help when collapsing health struck and her carer was forced to retire to her chambers, then to the heavens. Happy 17th. Odd jobs and resentment followed suit, trailing behind Ieren like a fog. Why couldn’t I save her? Would it have been different if I wasn’t in her life? Why did I look so much different? She was a high elf, after all. It didn’t feel like that. She grasped onto education when she could, learning rudimentary reading and writing until she realized sailing only required toughness of the mind. From then on, she enlisted into what she thought was a noble trade. Pirates are self-made legends and millionaires – she never came close. Instead, she loved to hide behind cargo on the inside of the ships as the captain seeked her out for unfairly distributing rations. All in good fun and distraction from the issues that plagued her heart. And after being shut out from her crew after too many purposeful mistakes, she aims to find a new life as a landlubber. Back where she was ‘from’.
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