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Everything posted by EnderPig

  1. EnderPig


    Wulmar was born in Valwyck. He spent most of his childhood happily playing outside with his many friends. Everything worked just fine for a while as his parents did all the work around the house and they let Wulmar have fun adventures. As time went by, his parents got older and more tired, and they weren’t able to care for a man reaching his adulthood who did nothing but went on adventures into forests and nearby villages. After a long fight, Wulmar was thrown out of his home and was told to do something useful for a change. With no food or money, he was left wandering, knocking on his friends’ doors for a place to stay. It seemed they never were his true friends as all of them refused to help him in a time of need. The only door open at that time of night for him was the door of a small church. The Church of the Canon allowed Wulmar to stay there. However, they warned him that they could not keep him there forever. Even being able to stay for one night was a miracle, as Wulmar did not believe in the church. When a war started, he was blindly sent to battle for his kingdom by the Church without barely any experience. This would be something his parents would be proud of, which made him feel a bit better about the situation. He faced fears and horror he could never imagine. He survived, though mentally scarred and weak. His left leg had been injured. Wulmar decided it was time to go back home. Perhaps he would be a son to be proud of now after fighting in a proper war. His childhood home was completely abandoned, though, and his parents were nowhere to be seen. Eventually he found out his parents had died soon after he had left. He had no parents, no friends and no home, he couldn't ho back to the Church after sending him to war. There was nobody to comfort him after the terrible events. He had nothing else to do but start a new life with the money he had gotten for his efforts in the war. He bought a lovely little house with a big kitchen in a peaceful village. He spent time finally learning to cook for himself and playing the flute, which he had learned to play in the war. Sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night and sees the war flashing before his eyes, but Wulmar has learned to live with it. He finds it hard to make friends nowadays, but he still tries to talk with his fellow villagers as much as possible and offer them something he had baked or cooked from time to time. Though he is old and fragile now and he knows he can no longer go on any adventures apart from maybe a trip to the market next to his house, deep down he is still hungering for one last big adventure before finally reuniting with his parents.
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