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Everything posted by YagiGami

  1. YagiGami


    Joaquim Fransesc was born in Arcas in the territory of Renatus. He was raised well by a loving mother and a distant father. He was instilled with virtues from his mother including that of honesty and hard-work. Indirectly from his views and time with his mother he realized the importance of care as a part of living. Through his lonely youth crowded with very few other children, he was often back stabbed and pushed under the bus and punished because of it. He grew a strong hatred for those individuals who for no other reason shove others under them to escape from responsibility. To get back at those who’ve wronged him, he deviated traps to make them suffer and eventually learn the proper lesson. Deep-down Joaquim follows a path of a moral high-ground, even for those who he holds contempt for he is able to set aside differences if they can atone. If atonement is an implausibility, and the nature of weakness continues, Joaquim will take action to improve humanity as a whole. As is the case for one of his bullies, who even after being tormented from a distance continued his charade against Joaquim. Joaquim forgot his name, he didn’t think him even worthy of that, Joaquim tripped and incapacitated the bully and took him away from town then proceeded to torture and kill him. Joaquim felt no remorse, he helped the world in this scenario. The town had begun outcasting Joaquim when they deduced the murderer to be him, but wasn’t able to produce enough evidence to convict him. Leading to Joaquim being further tormented with unwanted glares and pummelings of the dead bullies companions. Even though he made the world better in his eyes, he himself lost and found himself in deeper torture. This agony of personal defeat lead Joaquim to despise his home town and the community/people therein. Eventually, Joaquim’s mother, Maria, became sick and would eventually pass away leaving nothing but a memory to Joaquim upon the world. With his only link connecting him to that place was gone – he decided to take path elsewhere in the world where he could truly make a difference for the benefit of humanity. At the age of 13 he began his trek through the world as a stow-a-away. Through a series of voyages, he would end up eventually in Haense where he eventually decides to stay. At arrival in Haense, he is 21 years old and ready to discover this land.
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