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Everything posted by LadyLeonnys

  1. LadyLeonnys


    Leonnys's parents, Rose and Tiro Casparian were an Adurian couple that came to the Lands of Arcas during the great Migration. They settled in the Breadburrow Quarter of Reza, the Capital to the Kingdom of Haense. In 1711, the year of the sacking of Ves, Leonnys was born. Four years later, trouble stirred in the Capital, that later would culminate into what became known as the War of the Two Emperors. Many of the clan families fled the city and dispersed into the Highlands to live in rural villages away from the worst of the conflict. There, Leonnys spent her childhood years free of the cares of the world. She learnt all the skills of homemaking from her mother Rose and had to help out in the household from a young age, but whenever her chores would permit, Leonnys could be found in the nearby watermill, watching her father work. She was intrigued by the cogs and mechanisms that transfer the flow of the water into movement that powered the heavy millstone. Tiro Casparian was famous in the surrounding villages for his fine quality of flour he could produce in the mill. Occasionally, his wife and daughter would use the superior flour for baking exquisite cakes for special village events or religious celebrations. In Adunian culture a daughter is ready for marriage at the age of 20, and allthough her appearance was considered that of a typical fair Adunian maiden and many men found the combination of her dark inquisitive eyes, delicate button nose and streak of silver in her long oak colored hair quite appealing, Leonnys's shy character and cold and superficial attitude meant that she did not have many suitors. At the age of 25 her parents and clan Elder finally insisted that she should marry before her next birthday and matched her with the baker's youngest son, Kyle Macritchie. Kyle was a kind soul and gave her time to build trust between them. Kyle's parents, on the other hand, were strict followers of the 'Old Faith' and of the opinion that women should not be curious about the world around them and should simply perform the daily tasks of the household, be loyal to their husband and focus on building a family. As she now liverd under their roof, she had to abide by their restrictive rules. Leonnys did not protest. Instead, her words became less, her eyes grew dim and her smile faded, until the day of the wedding. At first light Kyle gently woke her, told her to put on some warm clothes and took her down to the quiet tree grove behind the watermill. "You are not happy here, Leonnys. Every day I see it in your eyes. You want the world, I can only give you a home." he said and softly kissed her goodbye. * On that morning, as swirls of mist rose from the mossy ground, he told her he loved her and could not find it in his heart to marry her and see her unhappy for one more day. On that morning, as the sun rose and the birds sang, she left the village and ventured out into the lands of Arcas to satisfy her curiosity about the world and perhaps find a little adventure along the way.
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