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  1. Wiserd1974


    Aldrich Stonehearth was born to a small farmer family in Haesen his family lived a normal life with Aldrich being born in the year 1737. Aldrich was a curious child always venturing into the woods to find adventure with his friends weather is be slaying a imagined dragon or hunting for a goblins hoard. As Aldrich grew up his dreams of adventure set into reality in his teenage years having to work in his fathers farm accepting his fate as a farmer but on his 16th birthday a sickness spread through his household making his entire family bedridden and eventually killing his mother and father. Aldrich was too young to live by himself so he was accepted into the local Canonist church becoming a servant of the local Bishop this continued for a few years until his 19th birthday when his childhood adventures were calling to him and a lust for adventure began to crop in his mind and on his 20th birthday he wished the church well and set out on a new adventure to find fortune and glory.
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