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  1. Flarryd


    Ordann was born in the Snowy regions to a couple of High Elven Travelers, spending most of his life on the road in these parts he learned the trade of Alchemy, gathering different types of herbs to make remedies and tonics throughout his travels. Eventually leading into his adulthood he then began to journey on his own, selling his wares and providing services to the many towns and villages he came across. Throughout his life he met a great many people and through it he gained knowledge that surpassed even many of his own kin. Until one day as he spent his time within a small human village effected by a rapid spreading disease. It was in this moment of weakness that a small bandit clan took advantage and attacked, taking the town for their own. The bandits called themselves the Burrowes’ boys caused great fear and did unspeakable horrors to the Villagers. Ordann, hid in the nearby forest watching unable to help. Sickened by such a ploy he broke his own oath to help people and created a poison which he slipped into the village’s food supply in hopes to decimate the Bandits and save the town, however, the food was distributed to the Villagers as well as the Bandits, causing widespread panic and ultimately a massacre. Only those sickly few clinging onto life crawled amongst the corpses. Horrified for what he did and ultimately traumatised from the incidents that had occured Ordann fled into the forests haunted by the fiendish actions and cruelty he had witnessed. For what seemed like an age, Ordann kept to himself in solace, wasting away as he continued his profession, serving no one. Then.. The haunted images of that day came back, causing the demented Ordann to leave his permanent home and flee into the open.. That’s where our adventure begins.
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