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  1. orbit12


    Born into the Silvervein Clan, Thret was brought up by his mother as his fathers life belonged to the SilverGuard, on occasions when his father was home, they often didn’t get on well. Coming from the Silvervein clan, Thret was knowledgeable about Dwarven politics and was somewhat respected due to his fathers honour of serving within the Silverguard. Growing up, he was the man of the house when his father was away, developing his leadership and charisma. Thret is yet to be put through the clan trial process. After this, his father expects him to join the legion in order to grow his and his families honour, the only thing that Thret and his father agree upon. His mother is a cave dwarf while his father is a mountain dwarf. His parents are fairly strict when it comes to their religious practices as they follow Brathmordakin believing that their clan is far superior than any other dwarven clan in the land. Thret had two younger brothers which were twins; the twins were stolen by bandit Uruks when playing outside near the forrest edge during his childhood. The entirety of the Silvervein clan had went looking for them but had stumbled upon their bones with flesh still attached. His father blamed Thret for their horrific deaths up until his own death many years later while defending his people against and Uruk raid. The guilt had played a large part of his timidness for years after this, something he’s only started to come to terms with. His mother outlived his father by 250 years, she met her end after eating a large bowl of diddyfunkles to end her own life. The memory of her youngest children and her husband was too much and she took her own life, leaving Thret to fend for himself. His guilt of their death had inspired him to be a great warrior and leader so that these things would no longer happen, his hatred for the orc species is far greater for the disdain of forrest elves. He believes one day he’ll be a great leader and grow Dwarven influence and power throughout the Arcas realm. Thret had a lonely upbringing after his siblings deaths as they were his only friends, he struggled to make any friends after this as no one trusted him to help in their time of need. At the age of 300, Thret has moved out of the clan settlement and started life on his own, he wanted to start fresh and see what life had in store for him outside the clan. However, his loyalties still lie with his people and will be back for his clan trial. His father had served in many battles alongside former clan leader Zokhamli Silvervein in the Silverguard.
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