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Everything posted by frogfully

  1. frogfully


    Clarice was born and raised in Helena, with only a younger brother to keep her company. Growing up, she often spent her time reading on the history of the world around her, finding herself particularly interested in the Phoenix Revolution and Duke’s War . Her parents were of higher class in Heartlander society, though never reaching a status high enough to be well-known. Her mother taught her very strict rules about society and mannerisms that she still follows to this day. Since her family was always very close-knit, she never had many friends. To make up for this lack of social interaction, she spent her time with her younger brother, Charles. Their close relationship continued out through her teen years, until, along with her parents, he tragically passed while on a boat riding back to Helena after a small trip. This event affected Clarice so much so to the point of her completely hiding herself from anyone, including close family-friends. She shut herself out from society and was seen very little until her 18th birthday. She has decided to reinvent herself and travel the world while learning about the history of Oren.
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