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  • Character Name
    Jared Gerymane
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  1. Jrod008


    Jared was born and raised in the settlement of Haense. He had 2 older siblings one sister and one brother. Most of Jared’s family were hunters and gatherers until his Grandfather moved to the town of Haense. Both Jared’s father and uncle joined the BrotherHood of Saint Karl. Jared and his older brother Justin would spar with wooden swords and practice archery with their Grandfather and Father until the passing of their Grandfather on his 12th Birthday. After his Grandfather’s passing he became distant from his friends, siblings, mother and father, and his uncle. However, Jared was very close to one of his friends Erikk. Maybe somewhat too close. Jared was homeschooled from his mother and spent most of his days, instead of listening to her teachings, would ponder what Erikk and himself would do after he was done learning. As Jared and Erikk got older and closer they discussed their dreams and what they wanted to do. Jared has always wanted to be apart of the Brotherhood of Saint Karl and be in the chapter of Destrier. Jared always wanted to be outside the walls and exploring the world. Unfortunately Erikk passed away due to a fever and absolutely broke Jareds heart. Ever sine Erikks death, Jared has been even more distant from his family and peers. Wanting to run away to a farm with Erikk till the end of time. Jareds father would try to bond with his son, but Jared kept pushing him away. Soon the Wars against the Vaeyl took place taking the life of both his father and his uncle during the horrific blizzard the Regiment had been caught in. After his fathers passing Jared changed. He was actually more happy and accepting of what had happened to him. But still remained very distant from new people. He even wanted to join the Brotherhood of Saint Karl. Unfortunately his hopes ran dry when the Brotherhood merged into the Royal Army. However, the Brotherhood has been recreated and Jared has his eye on the old but new Brotherhood.
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