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  • Character Name
    Bramble Deepwood
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  1. Elmbast


    Born the son of a forester in the expansive woodlands of the Haeseni lowlands, Bramble knew few others his age outside of his own siblings, and as the only child to make it to adulthood lived a life spend most often in his own company. Living so far from built up areas his early education and chores consisted of accompanying his father into the forest to help earn the families bread from firewood, timber and trapping, his best friend from early childhood until his coming of age was a mostly feral dog that he befriended as a puppy. Not long before coming of age, Bramble lost his father during a pointless skirmish just days before the official end of the war of the two Emperors. Although he and his mother were devestated by the loss, he had already learned enough of his fathers trade to keep them going, the various battles and skirmishes in the years preceeding had meant that his father was often called up as part of the levy by the marshal, and this was not the first time he had been left to fend for his family. Growing into adulthood and with the eventual death of his Mother from a mixture of persistant poor health from childbearing and grief at the loss of her husband, Bramble was left alone in the world. Being not to far removed from the way he had lived his childhood he carried on as normal for quite some time, earning his living from the products of forestry and then fulfilling his new duty as a member of the levee, answering the call to service when demanded by the Lord Marshall. Bramble found war to be tiresome, most of his fellows in the levee to be drunkards, murderers and louts and his commanders to be empty headed fools. Despite this he had always had a sense that while living on another mans land, he should follow his rules for a quiet life. However, upon being involved in a particularly bloody ambush in which he saw many innocents murdered he decided that rather than continue along the pattern he had been following until he was killed or became as monstorous as his fellows he decided to strike out from his home and seek out a place he had heard rumour of known as the “wildlands”. Here he had heard tell that a man need not call anyone master unless he wished to, and need not fight in battle unless he deemed the cause to be just. Armed with his trusty felling axe and a pack of various preserves he set out at the age of 28 to seek whatever freedom he may find in this far off place.
  2. Elmbast


    Born the son of a forester in the expansive woodlands of the Haeseni lowlands, Bramble knew few others his age outside of his own siblings, and as the only child to make it to adulthood lived a life spend most often in his own company. Living so far from built up areas his early education and chores consisted of accompanying his father into the forest to help earn the families bread from firewood, timber and trapping, his best friend from early childhood until his coming of age was a mostly feral dog that he befriended as a puppy. Not long before coming of age, Bramble lost his father during a pointless skirmish just days before the official end of the war of the two Emperors. Although he and his mother were devestated by the loss, he had already learned enough of his fathers trade to keep them going, the various battles and skirmishes in the years preceeding had meant that his father was often called up as part of the levy by the marshal, and this was not the first time he had been left to fend for his family. Growing into adulthood and with the eventual death of his Mother from a mixture of persistant poor health from childbearing and grief at the loss of her husband, Bramble was left alone in the world. Being not to far removed from the way he had lived his childhood he carried on as normal for quite some time, earning his living from the products of forestry and then fulfilling his new duty as a member of the levee, answering the call to service when demanded by the Lord Marshall. Bramble found war to be tiresome, most of his fellows in the levee to be drunkards, rapists and louts and his commanders to be empty headed fools. Despite this he had always had a sense that while living on another mans land, he should follow his rules for a quiet life. However, upon being involved in a particularly bloody ambush in which he saw many innocents murdered he decided that rather than continue along the pattern he had been following until he was killed or became as monstorous as his fellows he decided to strike out from his home and seek out a place he had heard rumour of known as the “wildlands”. Here he had heard tell that a man need not call anyone master unless he wished to, and need not fight in battle unless he deemed the cause to be just. Armed with his trusty felling axe and a pack of various preserves he set out at the age of 28 to seek whatever freedom he may find in this far off place.
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