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  1. Rea


    Lefi, like most wood elves, grew up in Irrinor. She was not an only child and in fact came from a proper brood (for an elf family, anyway) of ten siblings, but she is not close to any of them, or her parents. Lefi grew up trapped in her own mind, happily content with her own thoughts for company. This caused her to be isolated by others who took her distance as antisocial. She became most comfortable in nature, and was always found on the ground tending to her plants. Her parents wanted her to become an archer, or an aborist, tending to the trees of her hometown, but the older Lefi got, the more she enjoyed gardening on the ground and growing food and flowers. That said, she was raised in the Wild Path, and her mother always taught her that Cerridwen would protect her in the trees. She isn’t particularly religious, but like hiding under your blanket to feel safe, sleeping in a tree makes Lefi feel safe, so while she gardens on the ground . . . you will always find her living in a tree. The other way she disappointed her parents was by not being an archer. She is part of a long line of exceptional hunters, who all use the bow. Lefi never picked it up. She prefers to bash things, when she has to bash things, which is almost never because she is terrified of confrontation and prefers to talk her way out of everything. The pressure from her family of archers became so much that she left her home at adulthood and chose to live in a secluded place at the edge of Irrinor. This caused her to meet a lot of passersby from many places and cultures who were not so shocked by her distant behavior. She became good at using her distance to remain logical during escalations, often giving her the chance to mediate a bad situation before it gets too bad. Nowadays, she gardens and tries to stay out of too many fights. Who knows if that pattern will continue? P.S. My character skin is a modified version from one of the available wood elf ones. I don’t know if that’s allowed or okay, I’m still waiting for a reply on the discord about it as well, but I want to finish my application so it’s at least HERE.
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