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Everything posted by TheOverworkedWalrus

  1. Before he was born, Cassemir’s family moved to Helena, after the sacking of Ves. When the War of the Two Emperors broke out, his family moved back to Ves, where he was born to an upper-middle class Heartlander family. He was raised in a strict household, that were very religious. This lead Cassemir to not care much for religion later in life. He was taught by a tutor, from who he learned the academic subjects, and basic military strategy. His parents were distant, he thought them uncaring, and at fourteen, he ran away. For the next year, he lived in the streets, getting by stealing and scavenging. One day, he was caught by a man when Cassemir was trying to steal the mans hunted game. The man took pity on him, and let Cassemir live with him. The man introduced himself as Gerard, and was a hunter who lived in the woods. Gerard taught Cassemir how to use a bow, a knife, and a sword, as well as how to hunt. In return, Cassemir taught Gerard math, to help him with his business. For three years, everything was going great, but when Cassemir was almost eighteen, Gerard went missing. Cassemir only found his corpse after a week, rotting away. It seemed that Gerard was killed by a bear. After moving from town to town for a year, Cassemir ended up in Sutica, where he joined a street gang. They lived in an abandoned house, and Cassemir got the attic. where he learned to pick locks, and steal more effectively. Another of the gang’s members, Sam, taught him the art of stealth. After making some decent money, the gang decided to go after one big score, a rival gang’s loot. It went off without a hitch, but when they were sleeping, the rival gang crept in and slit their throats. Since Cassemir was sleeping in the attic, they didn’t find him, and he managed to escape, but with only the clothes on his back. After another year of moving town-to-town doing freelance jobs, he decided to move to Helena, to strike up a new life. he started his journey, and stopped at the Cloud Temple, this leads his journey to the present.
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