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Everything posted by Supersteveling

  1. Supersteveling


    Convallarie, or Vallarie for short, was born to Viola Sterling, and Alder Sterling. Convallarie was born the the capital, Tahu’lareh, in the Princedom of Fenn. Her mother was a seamstress and her father is a carpenter. She became obsessed with the poem ‘My lover’ from a young age, and wanted to create her own poems, but it wasn’t approved by her family. When she was 15 she trained in combat. Convallarie became a skilled swordsmen, and archer, she was one of the top in her class. She is smaller than almost all of her peers, and attempts to make up for that in strength. She, up until the age of 78, was taking care of her parents and helping them with their work. She got bored of being stuck in the same place getting nowhere in life, so she decided to head of on an adventure in an attempt to put her name out in the world, and to seek out poems and create her own. She goes against the usual stances of her society and seeks to learn more about the world outside her village. She packs up her bags in the night and heads out to meet new people.
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