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    Dark Elf

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  1. BEnyboi


    He was raised as a single child by a working mother and father and was raised strict by them as well as to not show too much emotion or he would seem soft, like all toddlers, kids or pre-teens they tend to rebel and not follow leading to punishment or disciple according to the parents, so he carries out the stern angry looking face out of habit growing up but he tries to show empathy wanting to better himself to show that he isn’t “heartless to his previous piers”. as he would grow throughout the years he would start wondering what else is there in the world with unknown beginnings he would want to learn in the gift of arcane magic to assist him on his journey his parents had called him crazy for thinking such things exist as he has only a boy but he had known something like that had existed, he just felt it, so every night up until the age of 16, he would wait, for something or someone that had some sort of magic, to watch, to wonder how he could learn such magic craft Later in his 17th birthday he had asked to leave the village, to travel wide and far to see what lies behind past the village border, the inhabitants of this village shocked at this request proceeded to lecture him and keep him locked inside a room so he could not leave the borders as “there was dangers that lurk” past the walls, though he knew what he had been getting himself in to, he had waited.... and waited.... for the day that he had turned 18 that they would release him, during this time he had realized that life isn’t all about being stiff and annoyed all the time, he wants to care for others, But...he has difficulty doing so, so he leaves to find people he can sympathize with and/or find a faith in to a deity and fill the feeling of emptiness that he had been feeling though out his young to current life, he just had a feeling that there were others races, other places to explore, the vast land couldn’t be home to JUST dark elves, his grandmother had always told him before her passing that there were many, many other species of elves, as well as humans and things called ologs, he couldn’t remember them all but he knew if he could just escape he could see if his grandmother is correct, so that’s what he did, he ran, in the darkness of the night, looking for answers.
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