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Everything posted by Gira798

  1. Gira798


    Near the Forest Realm of Irrinor village was attacked by orcs so his parents decided to give they children to an humans family so he grow up without knowing them. His dad was a wood elf so his mother too. His childhood was not so good because it was hard for him to be friends with humans at that time and no one did like him but only the mom who raised him he could only trust her. Because of he was angry all the time at the human kids he always got in a fight and got hurt, to calm down his anger he always went to the nearby forest to calm down. When he was old enough to train and accepted at Kingdom of Hanseti army. But he was not so popular there too. He never was good with the sword but he was very good with his trusty bow. One night they camp got attacked by enemy it was not much to do to help so the young elf escaped by the forest. Next morning he get up at a unknown place. He founded a abandoned house he went inside and he met his first Wood Elf. He was elder so he asked him where he is and he answered. -You are at the Forest Realm of Irrinor young one. He started crying cause he knew that this is his homeland and where his mom and dad had died in the fight 44 years ago.And from then he started his new adventure. I wonder what will happen next?
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