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Everything posted by Pres03

  1. Pres03


    Arutha Broadfeather has grown up as a wartime refugee, hiding from the world because of his mixed racial heritage. He lived with his mother in an elven Ghetto for the first years of his life. After his death he went on to live with his hooman father, who didn’t apreciate him for him he was more like “his living shame”, Arutha often suffered beatings from his father and hid his ears behind his hair to try to fit in, which he never manage to do. His siblings didn’t help him either, only his older human brother stood up for him, which was probably the reason why he wasn’t beaten to death by his father. He was smal and scrawny for most of his life, but one summer he grew up tall and strong as his father for an unbelievably short amount of time. He feels his future is hopeless, until a chance encounter with a wild dragon lands him in Valerand Academy—a place usually forbidden to anyone but the rich and royal. But Jaevid’s case is special; no dragon has voluntarily chosen a rider in decades, so the proud riders of Valerand must begrudgingly let him join their brotherhood despite his bloodline. Lieutenant Pug Derile, a sternly tempered man with a mysterious past, becomes his instructor and immediately takes a peculiar interest in Arutha’s future. Many years later, after the death of his dragon he set on an adventure to find new lands and separate himself from his past to stop the horrible memories of his dear friend torturing him everyday. Surpassing the lands of Xia he landed in Cathat where new adventures waited for him...
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