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Everything posted by Dhuk

  1. Dhuk


    (apologies, the lore page is a broken link, so I will continue with an improvised story) I was born in a poor household in Narcrow with my mother and my grandparents; my father was in prison for arson, being plagued by his losses in The War of the Two Emperors. I was an only child throughout my life, and attended school without many friends, and I liked it that way. I had been a loner until my senior years in school. Once I graduated with my good friend Vandor Marcarth, I returned to my home in Narcrow to my mother, and my grandparents had died one year prior. My friend returned to his hometown of Melkem, and I never saw him again. My mother died the year prior to my return from a trip I took at 227, in which I decided to live alone for three years in the woods, but by the roads in case I ever needed to find myself some new clothes and a dagger from travellers and guards (of course I wouldn’t just leave their bodies on the road, they were taken care of) . When I returned to the home, empty now from my dead family members. I destroyed the house top down burning it as my father once did. I continued, of course, until the structure was rubble. I left Narcrow before the guards could arrest me like they did my father, and snuck through the shadows the forest to Evendepth, a remote town with few people, but ample space. I live here still, though I’m infrequently present, wandering the world around me with no sort of cause. alone I live my life, though my eyes lie on a young woman named Delvena Arkham, only 20 years older than I, whom I met taking a walk through Zenfrek graveyard near my home, and hers. she is a young professor of Chaos magic at Venohold, though her collected personality differs with her interests. I don’t work, I hunt; scarcely steal for my necessities. I hope to until attend the Venohold college of magic someday. I aspire to specialize in apparition and disapparition and black magic. the greater details are too personal for the here and now; or ever, perhaps. An odd life it is that I lead, but I’m happy with it. I deal with it, rather. My next endeavor is to visit the flourishing Federation of Sutica, and see what all the fuss is about.
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