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Everything posted by B4UBLINK



    Aria grew up as a bastard child of Raevir descent, having never met her father, she had always been told by her mother that her father was a minor noble within the lands of Haense, though the stares and disheveled looks that her fellow people would give her during her youth, she began to suspect that her mother's words were never quite true, despite her good intentions. As a young teen she started to try and help her struggling household alongside her overworked mother, aged by working as a seamstress; However, one night when she got back from her work the household would only become more distressed, as that day, came a band of Hansetian miscreants, pilfering and robbing her home. As she walked in she only saw her mother shaking at her empty pantry doors, her heart and love for her fellow Haensemen dropped, a fear that she had only the love of GOD in the world. None of her neighbors would help her family and so she had to help her mother get out. Taking whatever she had left, with her meager wage she made the journey to seek out the Canonist Church in service to try and help others who had befallen poor fates such as her own.
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