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Everything posted by Kitzul

  1. Kitzul


    To most, this man would be considered a Farlander. Douglas grew up in a poor countryside farm somewhere long across the sea, with his two parents and three older sisters. Before the countryside was turned into a small community, Douglas’s ancestors were said to have been given their plot of land by a local order of druids that watched the countryside long before men took arms and became guardsmen. His ancestors were said to have found an ancient Druidic text and gave it to the rightful watchers, in return the circle gave them and their ancestry rights to a generous plot to farm, so long as they gave the land the respect she deserved. His family is devoted to the old ways of Pagan, a distant belief from Douglas’s homeland. He faced much strife in his early years, from famine to brawling with the local rich noble boys. All his life he had a green thumb and a love for farming and ranching stood out over all. His family often utilized Koma-Lin trees to purify the water used to water the crops. In his early twenties a horrible rebellion was staged against his lord, and he rushed to join the gaurdsmen. He may have had issues with his noble peers in his younger years but for him, liberty rules over all. Unfortunately the rebellion was quick and precise in their sieges and they did in fact conquer Dougs homeland, burning and pillaging anything in their path. Unfortunately for Douglas his parents and two of his sisters died in a viscous assault against his town. He spent many years in solitude, contemplating what life was. It would not be long until he returned from his mountainside to retire as a rancher and farmer, like he so desired to when he was a young boy. Douglas can now mostly be found in the County of Ayr and the surrounding countrysides, though he is a believer of the Caliphate of Khalestine’s diversity and considers them some of the best people. Douglas does not believe in absolutes however, even in politics.
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