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Everything posted by Newspeak

  1. Newspeak


    Archer Ashdown Archer Ashdown was born a hybrid between a high-elf and a human along with two twin brothers named Adrik and Ardit Ashdown. The three brothers would grow up in the Silver State of Haelun’or. Growing up, Archer would experience the many wonderful experiences of the world, as well discrimination upon the land of the high-elves due to being partly human. Archer would eventually live up to his name, becoming very skilled in the class of Archery, having a very accurate shot as well as fairly agile athletic abilities. The Ashdown family would also soon realize the intelligence in Archer, yet, these benefiting traits would cause Archer to have a somewhat arrogant or over-confident personality, which could lead to his downfall. Along with overconfidence, Archer also had a ‘soft spot’ which could be used to take advantage of, leaving him open for any sort of emotional or physical assault, as well as he would get quite nervous at times, but he would attempt to hide this to make himself seem like more brave of a person. Despite this, he still had a decent sense of humor and would often tell jokes. It was clear that Archer had many human traits with him due to his mixture, however, he had resembled a high-elf just as much. Throughout Archer’s life he’d attempt to fit in with the high-elvish culture, these endeavors would not always work and he would occasionally have to argue or engage in light combat among others. However, as he got older, he would attempt to achieve a higher status. Archer mainly aspired to be well-known, and have grand achievements that could be looked up to due to his past discrimination. Archer would have many aspirations throughout his life, such as visiting other realms like Axios, exploring the world and beyond, and being proud of himself. Later in his life, his father would be assassinated, leaving the brothers in utter grief and sadness. This would cause Archer to have a desire to avenge his father and be mentally conflicted between choosing right and wrong. Recently, Archer departed his town in attempt to find a new life somewhere else. His intent was to go with him and his brothers to leave everything behind in an attempt to fix the broken pieces in his life.
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