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Everything posted by Lovela

  1. Lovela


    My upbringing wasn’t easy. My father travelled a lot since he was a merchant so my mother, my sister and I had to do all the housework ourselves in our humble home in the provinces of The Holy Orenian Empire. It was quite exhausting since we had to do house maintenance for the whole day, and mom would homeschool us during the evenings. Because of this I didn’t get the chance to make a lot of friends so I became quite introverted and I often felt lonely when I wasn’t with my family. On the rare occasion when dad was home, he would talk about The Three-Month War where he the humans fought against the dwarves. He’d often say how they fought unfair which made them look like cowards. He taught us not to get too close to them since he believes it’s dangerous because they still hate us for living on their land. My sister Ellyn and I liked competing against eachother and proving that one was better than the other in simple everyday tasks. Of course I would always end up as the winner, but that little bit of sibling rivalry is what made us bond. I want to find my calling so I decided to leave my home and go out on an adventure to see what I could make into a career. I’m going to travel from city to city to see what the local crafts are and if they fit into my skillset.
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