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Everything posted by muteagony

  1. muteagony


    In the land of Arcas, a clan of whitewashed exiled Uruks roamed the great northern fields of Haense seeking to quench their desires of bloodlust among the impoverished souls who crossed their path. It is here that Hon’ilz’s bloodline would find itself amidst a nomadic collective fighting for its survival against the wilderness and fleeing from its own. Reasons of their banishment remain a mystery, yet some speak of murdering’s and banditry within the clans bloodlines. Hon’ilz’s father would become a prideful and skilled warrior within the clans ranks, proving himself in combat in the raids commenced against the stray high elves found isolated within the great northern ranges. It is here that Hon’ilz would be conceived by his father’s capture and enslavement of an elven woman whom he abused and used for his pleasure. Of course this action was severely judged by those within the already frail and challenged tribe. The wargoth of this exiled clan would allow for the birth of Hon’ilz on the honourable tradition of orc culture. Yet with his birth came a price, his father would be trialed by combat in order to prove his blood to still be worthy. Hon’ilz was born, with fairer green skin and elven ears, yet bore tusks around his face beside eyes as blue as the northern rivers. A half breed at its finest. And with his cries of birth, battle axes were sharpened and his father’s trial began, leading to his death. With the now infant Hon’ilz wailing for the sweet care of a mother, the wargoth looked down upon the helpless infant and spared him. Yet beside him was the shaman of the clan, whom he then promised that on the half-breed’s coming of manhood, he would be exiled and cast adrift. Hon’ilz would receive his name from the elder’s during his youth. He would find himself struggling in the arts of competition and physical combat, an outsider. He was harassed, fighting for each bit of flesh from the scraps of bones to feed himself. Instead of worrying about the next hunt, the next battle, the next chance to kill; Hon’ilz found himself lost to the stars of northern nights. His name would become “star gazer” or “one who watches stars” by right of the elders in the clan. Hon’ilz has now grown and has been exiled by the tribe. Set to fend for himself in the great north of Arcas. What has happened to his whitewashed and exiled clan is unknown, yet he has remained close to the settlements near Haense. Learning by watching the high elves care for themselves and their families as well as their use of knowledge. With his makeshift bow Hon’ilz was always weary of hunting too close to the fields of Haelun’or. Making sure to not catch elven eyes. In the evening of a cold winter night. A dream was had by the isolated and starving Hon’ilz. The great spirit of fire of Skathatch appeared to him as a burning wolf. It chased him through the woods until Hon’ilz would lose his sight only to wake up freezing amongst the pines….lost and alone. It was time for Hon’ilz to venture home, to his people. Surely his fate there could not be worse than the one he faces in the freezing mountains.
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