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Everything posted by ArfieGoFire

  1. ArfieGoFire


    Angelo Skyrise was birthed to Michael and Shiela Skyrise in the Heartland city of Helena. His father held a comfortable position in the Church of the Canon, and life was fairly normal up until the latter years of Angelo’s childhood. He’d come to find his father being cast out of the church when he was 18, being called a heretic and a fake. Rather than siding with the Church, however, Angelo was curious. He encountered his father on the matter, days before they’d attempt to remove his family from Helena. He learned his father’s perspective on the church, and how he claimed to have been shown the errors in their ways. It sounded like crazy talk to Angelo, but it felt... true. His parents told him to continue his life here and to not voice his opinion on the Church of the Canon; too much opportunity would be missed, and they didn’t want to be the reason Angelo lived a horrid life. And so, Angelo carried on with his father’s grain of salt. He’d mouth the words, he’d follow the crowd, but he would never voice his true opinion on his beliefs. Now, a year later, Angelo aspires to become something of a knight Errant with his training in combat. Helena would be a hard place to live the rest of his life, especially in secrecy, so he’s started out on his own to make the right choices; for himself, and his father.
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