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Everything posted by Sarahlolz

  1. Sarahlolz


    Angelina is the youngest child of 3. She has her oldest brother Julian who she tolerates the least, and her slightly older bother Alexander who she tolerates the most. She had a fairly basic childhood with her parents, Liana and Oscar Lombardi. Their parents later left them one day to care for their own in the city of Al-Faiz where they were born. They manage to get by from scrapes they found and working. They are now a close trio who usually stick close to each other. They all planned on going to Oren, but so far Julian is the only one who has made it there. Angelina and Alexander do travel together for the most part and will visit their bother time to time. The two of them a close and like to prank a little as well. She once took a bottle of blissfoil and dumped it out in Alexander’s bed so he couldn’t leave it for a few hours. Angelina was always sort of spoiled though, regardless of their upbringing. She always tried to take more than her share of everything even though she never really earned it. She does have a talent of clothing making, as she likes to create her own clothing. She also learned this because most other clothing people sold didn’t properly show off her ‘assets’ the way she liked. She is a massive flirt and it isn’t uncommon for her to be hanging around a group of guys. Friends are sort of a rare thing for her. She doesn’t normally like talking to girls since she thinks they all try to one-up her or are jealous of her. But if she does find someone that can tolerate her behavior, she will accept them as a friend and can be quite protective of them but can also belittle them sometimes with in her mind, good intentions. Her biggest fear, other than spiders, are flesh worms. If she were to see one, she would run as far away a possible, ditch whoever is with her, and flee to anywhere she can get, even if it meant going into orc territory. She is a little racist to orcs as well. She sees them as low lives and not meant to even be in this realm.
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