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Everything posted by Turtle903

  1. Turtle903


    Shasa was born in a low class Haeseni family with four older brothers. She enjoyed her childhood as the daughter of a woodcutter in a small Highlands town in the Kingdom of Haense and continues to uphold the values of family, loyalty and honor that she has been taught. She constantly seeks adventure and pursues her passions with diligence and earnest. She had a great bond with her mother and father in her childhood, though her brothers were consistently favored by her father. Due to her constant desire to prove her strength and worthiness, she has become stubborn and often struggles with jealousy. She received a colorful clay bead necklace from her grandmother before her death that she still treasures today. She is a relatively good marksman but struggles with hand to hand combat and melee weaponry, favoring more tactical approaches, which may explain her love of Haeseni Chess. She enjoys and seeks out nature in all its forms, and will sometimes feel uneasy in groups of large people or cities. Despite not coming from a family of status, she chooses to carry herself with dignity and feels deserving of equal respect, which sometimes lands her in trouble. Shasa has a bitter temper that flares up if she feels someone is undermining her or attacking her character or honor. Her ultimate desire is to seek out the different facets of the world and have multiple life experiences, something that sets her apart from the others in her family that remained in the town they were raised in for their whole lives. While she is imposing, she has a jovial and witty side and enjoys the company of others.
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