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Everything posted by JavocJovian

  1. JavocJovian


    Shenue is an unusual dark elf. He wasn't raised in Renelia, or even the Onyx Sanctum. He never learned of his Ancestor spirits, has never touched carbarum steel, and has no knowledge of curses or magic. In fact, Shenue doesn’t know he’s a dark elf at all. Shenue was discovered as a baby along the shores of Queens Isle and was raised by a small tribe of Fei-Zhu. Just as the tribe became his family so too did Hou-Zi become his race, Hou-Shen his God-King, and the jungle his home. He was raised amidst music, martial arts, and a deep respect for simplicity. An elf could hardly be confused with a Hou-Zi, however. Some tribes would have seen the infant Shenue’s ears and left him to him die in the jungle. But Shenue’s family was different. Their tribe held on to the memories of the past and, more importantly, the errors of their ancestors. They adopted Shenue and taught him all they knew. They taught him about nature, temperance, and family. They named him for their long lost King, and for Shenue’s skin which was white as snow. It was for that reason his family believed Shenue was a snow elf. As Shenue aged, other Hou-Zi communities welcomed him into their culture. Still, the Hou-Zi’s world was fragmented and isolated after the collapse of their civilization, and his family knew that one day Shinue would need to learn of the outside world. So on his 60th birthday, Shenue left the jungles with his family’s blessings and began exploring the world. But his quest wasn’t only to find other elves like him. Like many other Hou-Zi, Shenue believes that the God-King Hou-Shen will one day return and reunite his people, and Shenue is determined to find him.
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