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Everything posted by Sykra007

  1. Sykra007


    Sophia Miller was born in a little town what was own by the humans. She and shes family lived between the humans for many years peacefully. One day a Dark Elf find out that Elves live between humans, so he made a plan of how to force Elves to go back. Sadly he find our town first. He Say ”HUMANS If you give us the Elves living in this town your town would be safe if not you can start packing your stuff” he stopped then say “Humans Quick i don’t have time. 3 2 1 “ Then he shouted “DARK ELVES DESTROY!!!” The humans could save me but they couldn’t save my parent.They asked me if i want to go whit them build a new town but i refuse i was already 15 so i head to the forest to a new town and for a work. Now i’m 18 and i’m looking for my old home to help the peoples out and to meat some of my old friends.
  2. Sykra007


    Sophia Miller was born in a little town what was own by the humans. She and shes family lived between the humans for many years peacefully. One day a Dark Elf find out that Elves live between humans, so he made a plan of how to force Elves to go back. Sadly he find our town first. He Say ”HUMANS If you give us the Elves living in this town your town would be safe if not you can start packing your stuff” he stopped then say “Humans Quick i don’t have time. 3 2 1 “ Then he shouted “DARK ELVES DESTROY!!!” The humans could save me but they couldn’t save my parent.They asked me if i want to go whit them build a new town but i refuse i was already 15 so i head to the forest to a new town and for a work. Now i’m 18 and i’m looking for my old home to help the peoples out and to meat some of my old friends.
  3. Sykra007


    Layla Montern lost her parents when she was 15 . She couldn't take care of the farm so she had to sell it . She is now 18 and she lost her older job so she is looking for a now place to live, work and to help out who need.
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