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  1. TrueMainer


    Raised by the streets in the Kingdom of Kaedrin, Von took a particular interest in the Watch from a young age- often seeing them train in the sandpits or theatre. Taking to the Watch as the family he never had, he held his lessons close. Living by his training. Truth be told, his training was what allowed him to survive the tumultuous events following his life wondering the world. Between roaming bandits and other trials, Von kept his training sharp through direct practice. Though after years of drifting between cities alone, he took to the Wildlands to reflect alone. It was only when returning to a nearby town for supplies that he has reconsidered his self-isolation. A familiar family name mentioned in the market between the stalls. Von has finally returned to civilization to take to a lead on some of the last remaining members of the old guard force living on Queen's Isle. Taking up what little belongings he has, he sets out to start his search in the port city of Talon's Grotto.
  2. TrueMainer


    He was raised in The City of Ves, and lived most of his life there in peace, he worked where ever he could to make any money he could and was learning to fight from a former Ves Watch when the city was burned to the ground. He doesn't have a family to mourn for so he set of to find someone to serve. He returned days later in secret to bury his former teachers remains in a secluded spot outside the city. He always hold his lessons close. After Hearing of the Grand fair of Ves, he decided to return to his homeland as a rogue to see how things had changed.
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