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  1. RedKnight57


    Sintran was born in the city of Helena, in 1715. He was forced to flee with his parents during the Siege of Helena in 1716, and they have been wanderers ever since. Up until five years ago, they travelled as a group of three, seeking temporary lodging in rural towns. He and his parents would gather herbs and sell them in towns they came to. At one point in 1727, they came across a town with a doctor who offered to teach them how to use the herbs they gathered. They accepted, and stayed for a total of five years in that town learning the medicines and antidotes of his craft. Near the beginning of 1732, however, his parents received a message by bird that Sintran never got to read. His parents told him they had to leave for reasons they could not say, and that he could not come with them. They left, and he was forced to live alone in this town. Now, Sintran had never been very emotionally calm, and this was too much to properly bear. That night, he locked himself in the doctor’s house and tried to take his life. The doctor, however, had a key and rushed in before the deed could be done. After that night, news spread about what had happened and nobody looked at him the same. That may be, in part, because he no longer acted the same. He has been broken somewhat, and now he was sometimes just as outspoken as he once was, and other times he was fearful and quiet. He soon left the town and began to wander alone. When the war against the Federation of Mokh-Urak began, he fled Renatus entirely, living in the areas surrounding the cloud temple, trying to figure out what he should do with the rest of his life. He has taken to integrating himself into the Cloud Temple area as a cheap medical servicer. He has spent the rest of his time trying to discover new herbs and remedies, while trying to figure out how to fix himself.
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